Sunday, August 20, 2006

Outta here!

Yes, I must sadly admit that it has taken me forever to blog again since the last posting of which was over a week ago...i think. too long, i know. no excuse, i know. no school, i know. trip driving me up the wall, i think the entire world knows.
ok time for a random tidbit into my shady life. last friday night (as in 9 days ago) i was walking with matthew and before i even got like 30 yards from my house i pass this girl and i take this double take on her...and i can tell she looks familiar but i can't tell from where, and she's giving me this same odd look. then it hits me that she was in my econ class just a day before, so we schmoozed like good classmates,hehehe, i wanna say i'm a little freaked now that she knows my house, or at least my neighborhood cuz man i hope she didnt realize that was my house, but heck wtrv she was almost normal, at least for a human of African descent [dang Elan stop with the racism] it's not racism i tell u, i was in fact decently impressed, she even was like "o i see it must be your sabbath" as if normal people walk around in a suit at 10 on a friday night. good call yo.
Fast forward to this pas Friday aaaaaaaaaaaand it was my last day at the great Community Transportation Development Center. yup, no more "good morning/afternoon Transport center"outta me anymore. o well u all missed out hearing my beautiful pick up lines. but of the course the best part of the day was my mom/fellow colleague asked me to pick up schwarmas for everyone at the office on the company credit card in honor of my last day. that was awesome. if u didn't know the office loves max's and schwarmas in particular, wut can i say , my office has good taste. too bad il be missing the ice cream cake party from baskin robbins theyre having on monday. but ill be much happier staying in the beatiful Berkshire resort of the Pittsfield Motor Lodge where windows are an amenity and AC is optional and the prices on the website are about $100 cheaper that reality. i was falling off my chair when i was reading through their website, so let's just hope we're not falling through the matresses when tommorow night rolls around.
so today i went to a shloshim ceremony of Mrs. Joyce Shankman A"H...nice, inspirational stuff. it was a surprise to see former redskin/crackhead Dexter Manley there, but actaully it wasn't but i have no patience to explain the connection, so if you're lost open ur mouth (or palms) and ask me. soon i'm going to noam's brother, mordechai's wedding which is gonna be awesome. i know her family is awesome becuz their sfardi, ok i'm a bit biased. and noam's fam, well it just goes without saying...
so as this goes to print the entire trip is planned except for a motel near Boston which i truly look forward to bugging noam about the entire 7 hours up to hartford so he's gonna haev to reserve that becuz i've just done too much credit card garbage over the fone to soem really shady places the last few weeks. on that note, jacob will hopefully get over his credit card loss/getting consumer fraud wtvr it's called but i guess it just capped off an exciting week for everyone, didn't it?? ok wow i better shut up while i'm behind here.
cranium--although i never met you, i miss you already, but i understand you're in good hands, maybe we'll try and get together another time..wa wa
know what's good now?? now i really have an excuse not to blog for a week! shavuah tov y'all.


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